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Pedagogical Projects in the System of Chinese Education
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Abstract: In recent years, along with the Chinese-Russian cooperation in political and economic spheres, the society shows enormous demand for the people having skills of high-quality translation. Besides, we face the increase of the demand for good translators. The demand for the Russian translators motivated the higher education institution to introduce the disciplines to train a large number of highly skilled translators as fast as possible. The organization of this training is an important task of pedagogical projects. The great demand at the same time gives rise to the problems, which require the immediate solution in the course of the Russian-Chinese cooperation. The authors of the article touch upon such issues as poor quality of materials of disciplines, lack of practice of informal conversation and prevalence of the theory over practice, incompetence of some teachers, much attention to the Chinese culture instead of the analysis of similarities and differences between native and foreign cultures. Also the staff shortage problem for training translators is discussed, moreover teachers need retraining to deepen the knowledge necessary for teaching translation subjects. Special attention in training process is paid to the interest and enthusiasm in studying a language as it has a strong impact on the result. In this article we provided an analysis of the current situation in the sphere of Russian professional translators.
Key words: Russian translation; translation; translation studies; teaching to translate; pedagogical projects; international cooperation; Russian as a foreign language; methods of teaching Russian.
For citation
Сzyaci, Gu. Pedagogical Projects in the System of Chinese Education / Gu Сzyaci, A. S. Zotova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №12. – P. 51-55.