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Correctional-Developing Environment of Special Educational Institution as a Condition of Re-socialization of Adolescents with Delinquent Behavior
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Abstract: The aim of the article is to consider the problems of organization of re-socialization of delinquent behavior of adolescents at special educational institutions of closed type. The article argues that the special developing environment is one of the most important instruments of re-socialization of adolescents with delinquent behavior. The looks at the correctional-developing environment of special educational institutions as a specially organized space, providing not only correction and compensation of the violated functions, adaptation and socialization of juvenile offenders, but the development of the personality of students through purposeful formation of their attitude towards the world, people and themselves. The article gives the definition of the notion of “correctional-developing environment” and singles out its components: spatial, social and psycho-pedagogical ones. Each of the highlighted components of the environment performs corrective and developmental functions. A specific component of correctional-developing environment important for special educational institutions is that of regime. The article argues that each of the distinguished components fulfills a corrective and a developing function defining the resultative nature of the process of re-socialization of adolescents with delinquent behavior at special educational institutions of closed type.
Key words: Delinquent behavior, closed institution, re-socialization, adolescents with delinquent behavior, correctional-developing environment.
For citation
Moskvina, E. V. Correctional-Developing Environment of Special Educational Institution as a Condition of Re-socialization of Adolescents with Delinquent Behavior / E. V. Moskvina, D. D. Mironov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №3. – P. 76-81.