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Abstract: The article defines the conditions for the formation of algorithmic skills of children in the learning process of preschool educational institutions. The article discloses the notion "algorithmic skills" and outlines their relationship to the notions of "algorithmic thinking", "algorithmic culture" and "algorithmic abilities". The author notes that algorithmic skills make up the first step in the formation of the students' algorithmic culture and algorithmic abilities. The scientific novelty of the work consists in clarifying the structure of algorithmic skills of preschool children of different age groups at each stage of their formation. Such blocks such as procedural, personal, regulative and communicative are singled out in this structure. The following conditions of formation of algorithmic skills in preschool children are identified: the use of games with rules and organization of play activities of preschool children according to the algorithms given by the teacher, creation of educational subject-spatial environment, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children of junior and senior preschool age, teaching children to monitor and evaluate their activities, integration in the process of building the algorithmic skills of different types of kids activities. The practical value of research consists in the fact that the results of the study may be used by teachers of children's educational institutions.
Key words: Algorithm, algorithmic skills, algorithmic thinking, algorithmic culture, algorithmic abilities, prerequisites to learning activities, preschool children, structure of algorithmic skills, conditions of formation of algorithmic skills.

For citation

Utyumova, E. A. The Conditions of Formation of Algorithmic Skills of Preschool Children / E. A. Utyumova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №3. – P. 94-100.