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Formation of the Individual Learning Path in the Information and Educational School Environment
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Abstract: The article shows that to provide in-depth knowledge of students in the subject, to reach high level of motivation and readiness to use information and educational environment (IEE) for self-learning, an individual path of learning should meet the following requirements. Firstly, it should consist of the teaching modules focused on an individual content in accordance with the significant for the student learning objectives. Secondly, teaching modules should be presented as a set of recommended electronic educational resources (EER), mastering of which is an independent work of students after classes on the basis of information and communication technologies. Thirdly, the basis for the development of the content for the EER should be based on: the principle of correspondence between the content of the subject and significant for the student learning objectives, the principle of quick and dynamic correction of the content and methods and the principle of adaptability and individualization. The described method of formation of an individual learning path is based on the making of the routing card of educational process and didactic card of didactic module. The routing card describes the stages of formation of the individual student's learning path: preparatory, practice-oriented, control and evaluation stages. The didactic card describes: the subject of the academic discipline, the logical structure of didactic materials for the diagnosis of achieving the stated objectives, options for trajectory correction and limited number of learning tasks. The results of experimental study of the educational achievements of pupils in the course of learning Physics based on an individual trajectory in the IEE led to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed method of forming an individual trajectory of students in IEE.
Key words: Electronic educational resources, education information environment, individual learning path.
For citation
Lapenok, M. V. Formation of the Individual Learning Path in the Information and Educational School Environment / M. V. Lapenok, V. V. Makeeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 37-43.