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Spoken Skills Development as the Basis for Foreign Language Teaching
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Abstract: This is an analysis of the textbook «French. Practical Course in Spoken Skills Development» (2014) by E. V. Erofeeva, which can be used by the students of the 2nd course of the Institute of Foreign Languages, of the specialty «Pedagogical Education»-«Foreign Languages». The technology of teaching spontaneous monologic and dialogic speech in French, worked out by the author of the textbook, has high scientific and practical value. The purpose of the textbook is the perfection of the foreign language and cultural competences of the students learning French. The author used interesting authentic texts in French borrowed from the modern foreign and domestic sources. The textbook consists of twenty blocks devoted to certain topics, which contain twelve to fifteen texts and dialogues of colloquial and professional areas. Every topic is practiced in the complex of exercises aimed at the formation of communicative skills in the foreign language. Special attention is paid to the independent work of students. The textbook contains reference guide, comments, tests and tasks for independent work. The appendix contains the proverbs, sayings and clichés in French and Russian. The textbook under review can be used in teaching French as a second foreign language and in the courses of teaching foreign languages.
Key words: Spoken skills, French language, higher education, monologue, dialogue, spontaneous utterances.
For citation
Sopova, L. V. Spoken Skills Development as the Basis for Foreign Language Teaching / L. V. Skopova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 178-180.