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Implementation of the General Didactic Principles of Teaching the Students Physics by Means of Experiment with Document Camera
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Abstract: The analysis of didactic possibilities of document camera in teaching students Physics is undertaken. Document camera is a device that displays real images of textbook pages or exercise books, pictures or schemes, three-dimensional objects and microscopic structures on the interactive whiteboard or a large screen. The general didactic principles of teaching students Physics by means of the experiment with document camera are discussed. Among them are the principles of scientific accuracy, problem-based approach, visualization, activation, easy access, completeness, development and educational potential. The aspects of implementation of didactic potential of a document camera in the experiment in Physics are singled out; its relevance for the educational work, for planning the educational process, for the students’ development and its technical potential are analyzed. The methodology of several experiments with document camera are described: visualization of magnetic and electric fields lines and Oersted’s experiment. A conclusion is made that displaying of static and moving pictures, as well as the ability to zoom them, can be a means of dynamic visualization of the natural processes. The role of visualization in the development of the students’ thinking in the course of teaching Physics is analyzed. It is noted that the ways of displaying and perception of the visual images with the help of the document camera are based of the neuro-physiological features of a human. The recommendations on the use of document camera in the lectures in Physics are given.
Key words: Experiment in Physics; didactic possibilities; didactic principles; visual aids; document camera.
For citation
Pushkareva, N. B. Implementation of the General Didactic Principles of Teaching the Students Physics by Means of Experiment with Document Camera / N. B. Pushkareva, O. A. Chikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 57-65.