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Abstract: The article presents and describes the model of formation of the skills for solution of problems in Physics in Tuvin students based on the algorithmic method using bilingual approach and the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and concepts of P. Y. Galperin. During the work with the algorithm of solution of the problems, the students are able to set the links between the concepts learned in the course of studying the topic and knowledge and actions are systematized. The use of the bilingual approach allows to teach the Tuvin children on the basis of the interrelated use of two languages (Tuvin and Russian), which allows to smooth the language barrier. Application of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions and concepts of P. Y. Galperin allows to take into account ethno-psychological features of Tuvin children. The article presents methodology of implementation of the developed model in the training process and evaluation criteria of the students’ skills. The results of the implementation of this model will be: 1) an increase of the level of formation of skills to solve physical problems (high, medium, satisfactory, null); 2) improvement of the quality of knowledge acquisition by students; 3) vocabulary enlargement; 4) improvement of the level of understanding of the language of teaching. The efficiency of the described learning models and methods of formation of skills to solve physical problems in Tuvin students was proved in the didactic experiment conducted at the national gymnasium № 9 of the city of Kyzyl of Republic Tyva.
Key words: Model; formation of skills to solve physical problems; bilingual method; algorithmic method; national school; ethno-psychological features

For citation

Choodu, Sh. S. M. The Model of Formation of the Skills to Solve the Problems in Physics in Schoolchildren of Republic Tuva National Schools / Sh. S. M. Choodu // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 104-110.