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Organization of Differentiated Training at a Lesson Through Creating a Variable Didactic Material
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Abstract: This material in the differentiated art training system recommends a specific variable practice technology comprising of three mandatory components: 1. Differentiated presentation of training materials (the modules are: informational, problem-oriented, a module for increasing the eagerness to learn, training, control and self-control, corrective); 2. Working in small groups at several acquisition levels (groups that virtually fit in and function within a class and do not need any special environment); 3. Availability of educational and methodical sets for the subjects studied. Differentiated training in art related activities helps the formation of an appropriate self-assessment in students, motivates them, helps each student build an individual path of cognition and creative development. It promotes a positive type of learning and allows adolescents to start believing in themselves. Thanks to differentiated training, students successfully develop their artistic and cognitive activities taking into account their individual abilities and capacities. In their practice, teachers have to carefully monitor students’ development so that they could duly support any positive trends noticed and correct any negative and unacceptable ones. Early interference is of key importance with regard to children’s failures. During the process of training one should not ignore even a single sign of unsuccessful course of personal development. If a response is delayed when failure to meet educational requirements is considerable and wrong approaches have become deeply rooted and habitual, a pedagogical correction will be much more complex. Taking into consideration students’ individual characteristics is a kind of art in didactic activities. It is very important that teachers are not biased and do not act on grounds of prejudice. Using variable didactic materials in differentiated training is a key factor promoting students’ strategic, research and educational activities and resulting in their enhanced intellectual work and mastered rational activity algorithms.
Key words: Individualization; differentiation; studying groups; variable art materials; educational and methodical set; module structure; contents.
For citation
Tsvetanova-Churukova, L. Z. Organization of Differentiated Training at a Lesson Through Creating a Variable Didactic Material / L. Z. Tsvetanova-Churukova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №11. – P. 6-12.