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Characteristic Features of Learning English Legal Discourse
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Abstract: The article deals with the content of notion of “authenticity”. The author ANALYZES different approaches to the interpretation of the term “authentic discourse”. The discursive approach can be seen as an important tool of pedagogical research. The existing approaches to the interpretation of the "discourse" concept focus on different aspects of this phenomenon. One of them focuses on the socio-cultural aspects, the other one focus on the communicative aspects. In this research English legal discourse is understood as a set of texts generated in the process of written communication in the field of law. As for the teaching of translating English legal discourse, it is important to take into account its specific nature, which manifests itself in linguistic and discursive features. From our point of view, the lexical and grammatical difficulties of translation relate to the linguistic features of English legal discourse. Difficulties of translation are determined by essence of translation as a complex form of speech activity. There are certain difficulties in the selection authentic texts of English legal discourse for teaching written translation strategies in nonlinguistic universities. The paper has a look at some principles of selecting authentic English legal texts for the developing translating skills of students in non-linguistic universities. These principles aim at analysis of authentic texts of English legal discourse as texts in terms of their informative and sociocultural values as a pre-condition for selecting those texts which are thought to be appropriate for using them in teaching written translation strategies for students of non-linguistic universities. The teaching is based on authentic texts of contracts, and business letters, business documents (power of attorney, subscription forms, registration forms, hotel bookings, and visa application forms).
Key words: Legal discourse; translation difficulties; English; authenticity; authentic discourse; criteria for selecting texts; teaching to translate.
For citation
Bazueva, A. N. Characteristic Features of Learning English Legal Discourse / A. N. Bazueva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 84-87.