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Extroversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism Influence on Perception of Potential Threat to Health, Reputation and Social Status
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Abstract: The paper studies the influence of some psychological traits of person on perception of potential threat. The urgency of this research is determined by the frequent appearance of different threats in the Internet to manipulate people’s behavior and emotions. The extreme forms of threat may induce to crimes and extremism. It is impossible to take preventive measures without complex study of the phenomenon of threat, and without detailed analysis of its linguistic, semantic, and psychological manifestations. The effect of threat produced on perception and behavior of a person is not analyzed well enough. This paper describes the procedure and discusses the results of the experiment, in which the testees were given three messages containing threat to health, social status and reputation. Seventy students took part in the experiment (52 % – male, М=20, σ=1,1). We analyzed the influence of extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism on perception of threat to: 1) health, 2) social status, 3) reputation. We didn’t take into account the effect of mutual influence of these psychological traits. The results prove specificity of psychological traits influence on threat perception and they conform to modern interpretation of the role of extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism in person’s behavior and even expand them. It is found that extroversion makes it difficult to memorize the parametres of threat and distorts its meaning. But the experiment revealed that reaction to threat of extroverts and introverts is almost the same. Neuroticism influenced the accuracy of threat to health perception. The higher the level of neuroticism, the more difficult if was for the students to memorize and understand the threat; they often interpreted it as they wanted but didn’t describe its features. High level of neuroticism was accompanied by the belief of helplessness and inability to cope with the threat. The factor of psychoticism caused precise understanding of the threat to reputation, but it didn’t do so with the threat to health and social status. It is proved that psychotic people act more efficiently to resist threat to their honor and dignity.
Key words: Informational threat; threat perception; traits of personality; psychology of person; extroversion; neuroticism; psychoticism.
For citation
Zlokazov, K. V. Extroversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism Influence on Perception of Potential Threat to Health, Reputation and Social Status / K. V. Zlokazov, T. I. Kolmykova, E. A. Rybyakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 75-83 .