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Integrated Multilevel Assistance to Children of Junior School Age With an Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Syndrome
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Abstract: The article considers different approaches to the definition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Hyperkinetic Syndrome, Hyperkinetic Disorders, and Minimal Brain Dysfunction. The main causes and manifestations of ADHD are considered: clinical manifestations of attention deficit of children, prenatal pathology, complications during childbirth, and psychosocial causes. The scheme of complex multilevel care for children with ADHD is presented: the first level – metabolic – presupposes drug use. The choice of drugs is dictated by the structure of the behavioral symptom complex. The second level – neuropsychological – includes neuropsychological diagnostics and complex psychomotor correction of ontogenetic blocks of the brain organization of the child's activity. The third level – the syndrome – includes a complex of developmental games that allow to separately influence individual elements of the syndrome. The fourth and the fifth levels – the behavioral and the personal – involve the use of different types of individual and group psychotherapy aimed at resolving external and internal psychogenic conflicts, personal growth, effective interaction with adults and peers. Psycho-corrective work with hyperactive children consists of three main directions: development of deficit functions (attention, behavior control, motor control); development of specific skills of interaction with adults and peers; and if necessary, work to cope with anger. The analysis of modern approaches to the organization of a psycho-correction process involving children with ADHD suggests that it is necessary to include various forms and methods. The article presents a generalized system of work with a hyperactive child: physical rehabilitation; training of self-regulation skills; development of communication skills; elimination of negative emotions; development of scarce functions in the system of the syndrome. There are also several aspects that testify violation of intra-family communication typical of families with children with ADHD, such as: they lead, strive to become a leader, demand submission from brothers and sisters, insist on following their plan for playing actions, at the same time, often not knowing how to bring it to the end. Difficulties in the relationship of a hyperactive child with parents have been revealed: they tighten demands on the child, increase bans and punishments, which leads to aggravation of the child-parent relationship. It is noted that parents who have a child with ADHD experience difficulties in maintaining harmonious marital relations: parents, as a rule, resort to either tougher pressure on the child, or are eliminated from active participation in his life being ill, going to work, finding another marriage partner or divorcing.
Key words: Attention deficit disorder; hyperactivity; hyperactive children; junior pupils; treatment corrective care.
For citation
Abshilava, E. F. Integrated Multilevel Assistance to Children of Junior School Age With an Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Syndrome / E. F. Abshilava // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 96-102 .