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Development of Engineering Thinking of Students When Teaching Them Physics With the Use of Circuit Simulation Model
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Abstract: The article discusses the questions of engineering thinking formation of trainees on the basis of circuit simulation model. The main characteristics of engineering thinking, which are offered to be traced in the course of tutoring, are specified. Components of engineering thinking are singled out on the basis of several research works. They are necessary to becoming a competent expert in the field of technical activity. Structural components of the organization of educational and research activity of pupils with use of circuit simulation model are offered and analyzed. The generalized action plan of a pupil for promotion of hypotheses and assumptions is provided. Conclusions on formation of engineering thinking of pupils when using circuit simulation model are formulated.
Key words: Engineering thinking; circuitry model operation; characteristics of engineering thinking; components of engineering thinking; educational and research activity; pupils; methods of teaching Physics; methods of teaching Physics at school.
For citation
Zuev, P. V. Development of Engineering Thinking of Students When Teaching Them Physics With the Use of Circuit Simulation Model / P. V. Zuev, E. S. Kosheeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 79-88.