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Educational Physical Experiment in Kindergarten and in Elementary School
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Abstract: Based on the psychological theory of development of the personality, it is proved in the article that vigorous cognitive activity of the person exists at any age. It arises when the study of the phenomena and processes in the world around gains special importance for the person, there appears the need for novelty and acquisition of new knowledge or abilities. It is noted that it is necessary to form interest of children in cognitive activity as soon as possible. One of the means of its activation is the educational physical experiment. This accounts for the fact that children's experiments have become widespread in the educational organizations in recent years. However most of the teachers place the emphasis on the development of only one sphere of activity (for example, intellectual) when they use experiment in their teaching practice. Nevertheless, development of various spheres of activity of children should be carried out at the same time. This research argues that it is necessary to introduce public presentations containing physical experiment by senior kindergarten children or junior pupils. When they do this, they independently reproduce the physical phenomena, accompanying demonstrations with an explanation. The experience of the authors of this article on the organization of informative and experimental activity of children is presented: an extracurricular activity "Physics in Toys and Experiments" for pupils of primary school. It is proved that development of various spheres of activity (informative, verbal-motor, emotional, communicative, labor, etc.) in the course of training and education of children in the preschool organization and at primary school is possible due to differentiated approach to the use of an educational physical experiment.
Key words: Physical experiment; teaching Physics; preschool children; junior pupils; experiment in Physics.
For citation
Nadeeva, O. G. Educational Physical Experiment in Kindergarten and in Elementary School / O. G. Nadeeva, E. O. Zazhnykh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 66-73.