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Training Program «Formation of Value-Sense Orientation on Health in Adolescents» as an Effective Means of Actualization of Resource Health Opportunities
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Abstract: The article describes the value and meaningful orientations and valeological types of personality, as well as their role in shaping the attitude of adolescents to their health. Special attention is paid to the authors' consideration of the relationship between value and meaningful orientations when forming strategies of behavior and activity related to human health. When characterizing the value-semantic sphere of adolescents, psychological neoplasms typical of this period of ontogenesis are described. The article describes the training program developed, theoretically grounded and tested in the educational process of the modern school aimed at the formation of a value-meaningful orientation on health in adolescents. The stages of the formation of the value-meaningful orientation on health in adolescents are described, based on the art-therapeutic support. The article presents and describes the diagnostic tools used to prove the effectiveness of the training program developed by the authors. In the course of the empirical study, a comparative analysis of scales of meaningful orientations and value orientations in the experimental group was carried out using the chi-square test (according to Friedman). Based on the empirical evidence obtained during the study, the relationship between the nature of the valeological unit being formed and the strategies of behavior and activity with regard to one's health is proved. Based on a comparative analysis of empirical data obtained in control and experimental groups, determinants that influence the process of formation of a value-meaningful orientations on health in adolescents are revealed.
Key words: Value orientations; meaningful orientations; valeology; healthy lifestyle; children’s health; teenagers; health protection; correlation analysis; health improvement; training program.
For citation
Madzhuga, A. G. Training Program «Formation of Value-Sense Orientation on Health in Adolescents» as an Effective Means of Actualization of Resource Health Opportunities / A. G. Madzhuga, A. R. Zagidullin, G. T. Zagidullina, R. M. Salimova, G. G. Kolesnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 149-156.