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Training Module for Formation of Professionally Significant Personal Qualities of Cadets of Emercom of Russia
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Abstract: A training module based on graphical software Microsoft Visio is developed. The core of the training module is a set of real professional situations, which an employee of the federal fire service may face when fighting man-made emergencies. Sixty five cadets of the Ivanovo Fire-Fighting Academy of Emercom took part in the study of formation of professionally significant personal qualities on the basis of a training module. During the 7th semester the cadets simulated the work of a chief guard who arrived at the call site. In the 8th semester the cadets simulated the work of a duty officer when extinguishing a more serious fire. The level of professionally significant qualities was divided into minimum, low, productive and creative sub-levels. The results of the study showed that the number of recruits, who at the end of the study showed low level of professionally significant personal qualities was 34%, those with productive level made 31% and 17% cadets possessed professional qualities of the creative level; there were no cadets with the minimum level of professional qualities. The average dynamics of professionally significant personal qualities development after application of the developed training module increased by 55%. Thus, we can conclude that the situational tasks develop spatial thinking, attention span, the ability to switch attention in the shortage of time, the ability to assess the importance of the information received and visual thinking. At the same time during the execution of the tasks of the training module there is active interaction between cadets, so they develop responsibility in performing official duties, liaison, solidarity and teamwork, interpersonal communication skills and leadership skills.
Key words: Сadet; learning modules; military education; professional situation; professional qualities; personal qualities.
For citation
Ermilov, A. V. Training Module for Formation of Professionally Significant Personal Qualities of Cadets of Emercom of Russia / A. V. Ermilov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 123-128 .