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Personality Traits of Creative Students
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Abstract: The article deals with the basic theoretical aspects of personality traits of creative personality. The article discusses the features of formation of a creative identity in adolescence and early adulthood. It describes such aspects of creativity formation as early experience of creation, wich help to acquire the basic skills in the chosen creative field. Formation of creative identity in teenage years and adolescence influences not only creative potential but also some personal traits, such as ingenuity, out of the box thinking, curiosity, open-mindness, aspiration for knowledge, wisdom, courage, stability, cheerfulness, social intelligence, justice, mercy, gratitude, sence of humor, etc. The student of the Ural State Pedagogical University took part in the experiment to reveal their creative identity and personal traits. Students with a high level of creative identity differed from the students with low level of creative identity. The author believes that there is a difference between creatives and non-creatives in the manifestation of certain traits of character. Creative identity has an impact not only on the maintenance of creativity, but also on personal qualities. The result of the empirical study revealed that creative identity stimulates development of a person’s virtues and increases the adaptational potential of students.
Key words: Creativity; creative person; creative identity; personal traits; students; creativity; creative abilities.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Personality Traits of Creative Students / S. A. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №8. – P. 90-95.