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Psychological Characteristics of the Families with Children with Special Educational Needs
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Abstract: There is an attempt to generalize the data on psychological characteristics of families with children with special educational needs and to move the accent from rehabilitation and correction of children with special educational needs to psychological help and assistance to their parents. Families with children with special educational needs are in great necessity of social and psychological support. Perennial experience of work in rehabilitation center “Talisman” (Ekaterinburg city) made possible to observe psychological difficulties in families with children with special educational needs. The process of adaptation of children with special educational needs to social environment takes a long period of time and parents often satisfy the needs of their child leaving their own interests, needs and advancements of career aside, which affect the process of education. The article describes theoretical aspects of the study of psychological characteristics of families with children with special educational needs. Many authors studied psychological characteristics of families with children with special educational needs; in their studies they stress the effect of social environment on growth of children and general psychological climate in families. There are definitions of different psychological characteristics: psychological climate, contentment of the marriage, way of education, identity and stability of the family, unity and flexibility of the family system, individual psychological characteristics of the family partners. There are examples of how each psychological characteristic can influence education, growth and personality of children with special educational needs.
Key words: Psychological characteristics; psychology of family; child with special educational needs; family upbringing; child-parent relations; psychological assistance; special educational needs.
For citation
Arbatskaya, K. I. Psychological Characteristics of the Families with Children with Special Educational Needs / K. I. Arbatskaya, N. A. Ustinova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №8. – P. 85-89.