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Designing a Psychological and Pedagogical Platform for Training of Preschool Teachers
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Abstract: Due to the socio-economic changes we are facing a serious transformation in the world of professions. Thus we suggest a new term «transfession», which is a kind of labor activity based on the synthesis and convergence of professional competences belonging to different specialized fields. The article presents the project of psycho-pedagogical platform for training future preschool teachers, including the objective, tasks, theoretical and methodological rationale, principles, content and technological support, and results. The goal of the project is creation of an educational system that promotes the development of transprofessional potential of students and mastery of psychological-pedagogical competence in the field of early education. The effectiveness of the project is provided by the analysis of the situation on the labour market, the initial theoretical-methodological justification, relying on the Professional Standard of "Teacher" (teaching activities in the fields of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education), educational technology (educational technology platform, online training, brainstorm projects, competence-based testing of real-time feedback, socio-humanitarian technologies, case studies etc.). The essential features of psycho-pedagogical platform as an educational technology are its correspondence to Professional Standards; the invariant part is represented by cross-professional disciplines, technology of professional identity and general psychological-pedagogical cycle; the choice of the trajectory of «very personal» education; interprofessional content; and high technology training.
Key words: Psycho-pedagogical platform; educational platform; training of future teachers; preschool educational organizations; transprofessionalism.
For citation
Krezhevskyikh, O. V. Designing a Psychological and Pedagogical Platform for Training of Preschool Teachers / O. V. Krezhevskyikh, E. F. Zeer // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №9. – P. 38-45.