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Conceptual and Methodological Reflection Nature of Musical Art and Universal Principals of Music Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-04
Abstract: Modern pedagogy of art feels the need to define principles of music education that will be original from didactic patterns of teaching subject like physics, chemistry, etc. The nature of music contributing to the birth of emotions in the listener, the revitalization of the process of forming the value of semantic relations, understanding the world and self. One of the reasons for this state of affairs in musical pedagogy is inattention to the cognition of the essential characteristics of the music and the substitution principles of music education, which are adequacy nature of music. The article is devoted to the conceptual and methodological reflection phenomenon of musical art and its functions. The authors gave comparative analysis of physical, theological, psychological, phenomenological concepts the nature of music and selected phenomenological concept of musical art as a system of understanding music, reflecting her substantive ontological and anthropological characteristics. On the basis of this concept the authors justified existential-anthropological and hermeneutic principles of the contemporary music education. They pay attention, that there is the large diversity of music education’s principles in the Russian music-pedagogical literature. And the authors accentuated the problem of classification principles of music education and suggested one approach their classification from the point of view of their universality: universal, common didactic and special didactic principles of music education.
Key words: Musical art; physical, theological, psychological, phenomenological, hermeneutic concepts of music; universal principles; musical education.
For citation
Belyaeva, L. A. Conceptual and Methodological Reflection Nature of Musical Art and Universal Principals of Music Education / L. A. Belyaeva, N. G. Tagiltseva, I. G. Chugaeva, T. S. Jiang // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 38-45. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-04.