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Pedagogical Activity as a Psychological and Pedagogical Phenomenon
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-03-09
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the essence and structure of pedagogical activity as a psycho-pedagogical phenomenon. The authors raise the problem of ambiguous interpretation of the essence and structure of pedagogical activity in psychology and pedagogy, which prevents the future teachers and psychologists from forming a holistic view of this phenomenon. In this regard, the main purpose of the study is to study the essence and structure of educational activities based on the integration of its psychological and pedagogical characteristics. The psychological basis of pedagogical activity is the idea of it as an activity, which makes it possible to rely on the general structure of activity when studying it. However, the pedagogical activity characteristic can not be complete without taking into account its specific features discussed in pedagogy - the presence of a subject Posi tion and teacher, and students that determines its collaborative nature. The psychological aspect of pedagogical activity reveals the personality characteristics of the teacher and students, the formation of their motivation, the basis for the formation of constructive interaction and joint activities, as well as the mechanisms for the development of reflection. The pedagogical aspect allows you to realize the content of pedagogical activity, define its goals and objectives, highlight the features of its implementation as a joint activity of the teacher and students, make a choice of means and various ways of working to achieve the intended results. The authors clarified the component composition and structure of pedagogical activity in view of the revealed patterns and modern trends in the development of education. The authors conclude that when studying the concept of “pedagogical activity” in the course of professional teachers and psychologists, it is necessary to take into account its interdisciplinary nature and to consider it as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.
Key words: Pedagogical activity; pedagogical psychology; psychological and pedagogical phenomena; teachers; reflection.
For citation
Verkhoturova, J. A. Pedagogical Activity as a Psychological and Pedagogical Phenomenon / / J. A. Verkhoturova, Y. N. Galaguzova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №3. – P. 62-67. DOI 10.26170/po19-03-09.