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Complete Collectivization and State Policy to Create a Network of Day Nurseries and Preschool Institutions in the Countryside at the End of 1929 – the First Half of the 1930s (Based On Materials from the Urals)
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-01
Abstract: The article, based on data from federal and regional archives, analyzes the state policy of the Soviet-party bodies on the formation of a network of preschool institutions in the village during the period of continuous collectivization using the example of the Urals. The authors identified the features of the device and financing of these institutions, carried out a qualitative and quantitative description of the preschool institutions operating in this period. It is proved that the folding of the network of nurseries and kindergartens is carried out during a period of continuous collectivization, and preschool institutions themselves become one of the basic elements of peasant everyday life. Moreover, children's day nurseries are initially organized directly in the field camps, during the suffering season, in order to “free women's free hands,” and only then – at state farms and at MTS. The situation has especially changed since the end of 1930, when local health authorities began to develop plans to expand the network of childcare facilities in a legislative manner. As a result, only for 1930-1934s the number of permanent creches in the Ural region increased by 25 times, and the number of places in them – by 28 times. But the created pre-school institutions were often not provided with material facilities. Despite all the efforts of the Soviet authorities, attracting collective and state farms to finance the educational institutions, material difficulties associated with industrialization and collectivization, the famine of the first half of the 1930s, determined the acute and chronic insecurity and poor development of the accompanying infrastructure (specialized furniture for children, toys, medical care, etc.).
Key words: Healthcare collectivization; kindergartens; nursery; preschool educational institutions; the history of preschool pedagogy; public policy.
For citation
Popov, M. V. Complete Collectivization and State Policy to Create a Network of Day Nurseries and Preschool Institutions in the Countryside at the End of 1929 – the First Half of the 1930s (Based On Materials from the Urals) / M. V. Popov, D. L. Ostrovkin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 6-12. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-01.