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Increasing the Level of Citizenship as a Purpose of an Educational Process at the University
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-02
Abstract: The article deals with the problem of insufficient theoretical and scientific-methodological validity of activities for the development of citizenship in university students. An educational interpretation of the concept of «citizenship» is proposed for its resolution. Within the framework of the system-activity approach, the general methodological hierarchy of educational goals of professional training at the University is substantiated and a technological model of educational goals for the development of citizenship in students is developed. The personal component of the model, reflecting the leadership potential of the student is considered to be basic. The social component is represented by the skills to realize their civil rights and obligations, integrated into the civil qualities, which are structured by the types of social activities. The civil qualities include the following: educational competitiveness, educational mobility, entrepreneurship, hard work, humanism, general culture, tolerance, spirituality, law-abiding, political self-determination, patriotism, social activity, information culture, environmental friendliness, family harmony. At the same time, citizenship is seen as willingness to responsibly exercise the rights and duties of a citizen of the country in the process of social and professional interaction. An educational approach was proposed as the main one to the development of citizenship of students by which the author identified the subjects that should create conditions for the development of students’ citizenship and the following main forms of their educational activity: individual activity to develop their personal qualities and acquire all the necessary social skills; organization or participation in the preparation and conduct of research, organizational, educational and social activities and projects; didactic interaction in the process of mastering the content of disciplines of the curriculum. The article presents the experience of the technological model implementation in public and municipal executives training.
Key words: Civic education; citizenship; personal qualities, social qualities; technological models; educational process; students higher education institutions.
For citation
Gorb, V. G. Increasing the Level of Citizenship as a Purpose of an Educational Process at the University / V. G. Gorb // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 13-21. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-02.