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Adaptive Model of Training of Students of the Direction “Pedagogical Education” Realization of the Polytechnical Direction of Training in the Course of Informatics
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-08-11
Abstract: The article discusses the problem of lack of technical specialists, including in the IT segment, which requires the improvement of both polytechnic training of secondary school students and the methodological component of future subject teachers. The adaptive model of teaching students how to implement the polytechnic orientation of learning in the course of informatics is presented. The substantive aspect of the proposed methodology is the implementation of three stages of training: theoretical (building up knowledge of the content and methods of implementing the principle of polytechnism in teaching), practical (developing students' educational products of a technical nature) and approbation (acquiring students of the experience of using the created educational product in pedagogical practice). Preparation of students is implemented on the basis of an adaptive educational model that takes into account the interests of students and teachers (regarding the choice of the direction of the implementation of the principle of the polytechnic, design and development of teaching aids), as well as specific learning conditions in the university. The training model is based on the application of the competency-based approach, which is implemented using the technologies of problem and productive training, project training technology and elements of CSR technology. The content of each CRS developed by a student at a practical stage of training is associated with a specific computer equipment object and includes a set of didactic and teaching materials. It is noted that created by students at the completion of training, the Center for Education and Development and its successful testing are indicators of the achievement of the main goal of the training course – the formation of students' special competence (IC) in the implementation of the principle of polytechnism in the educational process in computer science. In order to test the proposed training model, a pedagogical experiment was conducted. The results are presented and discussed.
Key words: Methods of teaching computer science; informatics; computer science technique in high school; the principle of polytechnicism; learning technologies; digital educational resources; information technology.
For citation
Il'in, I. V. Adaptive Model of Training of Students of the Direction “Pedagogical Education” Realization of the Polytechnical Direction of Training in the Course of Informatics / I. V. Il'in, V. V. Il'in // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №8. – P. 85-93. DOI 10.26170/po19-08-11.