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The Model of Formation of Patriotic Position of the Bachelors of Tourism
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-08-12
Abstract: The subject of the article is the problem of University training of a modern specialist in the field of tourism. In the practice of higher education there is a contradiction between the requirements of employers to prepare a competent specialist in the field of tourism, able to offer the consumer a unique, competitive, Patriotic tourism product, and the lack of use of the opportunities of higher education institutions in the appropriate training of specialists in this profile. There is a detachment of the disciplines studied at the University from the acquaintance of future specialists in the field of tourism with the uniqueness of their region, its history, with talented representatives of its culture and art. The purpose of this article is to describe the model of formation of Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in terms of University training. On the basis of the studied literature on the problem, the authors reveal the content of the concepts of formation of Patriotic position of the future bachelor of tourism as formation of a person, who is aware of himself as a citizen and patriot of his country, oriented in the spectrum of cultural diversity of his region, has a respectful attitude to the historical past of his country, responsible attitude to its fate in the present and future. As a methodological basis, the author proposes system-activity and context-axiological approaches that allow to implement the principles of historical memory and continuity of spiritual experience of generations, socio-cultural and national identification, taking into account regional characteristics and conditions in professional self-determination in the training of future specialists in tourism. The article describes in detail the blocks of the developed model (motivation-oriented, theoretical and methodological, content-procedural and evaluation-diagnostic). The ways of solving the tasks are analyzed: the problem of formation of knowledge about the history, geography and cultural and historical attractions of Russia is solved through the integration of socio-philosophical and historical-local lore disciplines, the development of students developed special courses of the appropriate orientation: the problem of development of value orientations, Patriotic feelings and qualities is realized in the atmosphere of cultural and local lore educational environment of the University, created in the classroom and extracurricular activities; the problem of development of models of Patriotic behavior in the field of tourism services is solved on the basis of involvement of bachelors of tourism in the project activities with the participation of employers. Methods of research is the analysis, generalization of pedagogical experience and theoretical research on the problem of Patriotic education of the individual, the Results: the authors theoretically justified and disclosed by practical examples of the main information resources and content areas of educational work of the University on the formation of the Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Scope of results: theory and methodology theory and methodology of vocational education. Conclusions: the developed model of the formation of the Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in the conditions of higher education contributes to the solution of the problem in the training of personnel for the tourism sector, having formed a Patriotic position, i.e. such a life position, which is based on Patriotic values, is supported by the motivation of Patriotic duty and responsibility and is implemented in the forms of Patriotic behavior. the subject of the article is the problem of University training of a modern specialist in the field of tourism as a person who is aware of himself as a citizen and patriot of his country, oriented in the spectrum of cultural diversity of his region, having a respectful attitude to the historical past of his country, responsible attitude to its fate in the present and future. In the practice of higher education there is a contradiction between the requirements of employers to prepare a competent specialist in the field of tourism, able to offer the consumer a unique, competitive, Patriotic tourism product, and the lack of use of the opportunities of higher education institutions in the appropriate training of specialists in this profile. There is a detachment of the disciplines studied at the University from the acquaintance of future specialists in the field of tourism with the uniqueness of their region, its history, with talented representatives of its culture and art. The purpose of this article is to describe the model of formation of Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in terms of University training. On the basis of the studied literature on the problem, the authors reveal the content of the concepts of “Patriotic position of bachelor of tourism”, “formation of Patriotic position of the future bachelor of tourism”. As a methodological basis, the author proposes system-activity and context-axiological approaches that allow to implement the principles of historical memory and continuity of spiritual experience of generations, socio-cultural and national identification, taking into account regional characteristics and conditions in professional self-determination in the training of future specialists in tourism. The article describes in detail the blocks of the developed model (motivation-oriented, theoretical and methodological, content-procedural and evaluation-diagnostic). The ways of solving the tasks are analyzed: the problem of formation of knowledge about the history, geography and cultural and historical attractions of Russia is solved through the integration of socio-philosophical and historical-local lore disciplines, the development of students developed special courses of the appropriate orientation: the problem of development of value orientations, Patriotic feelings and qualities is realized in the atmosphere of cultural and local lore educational environment of the University, created in the classroom and extracurricular activities; the problem of development of models of Patriotic behavior in the field of tourism services is solved on the basis of involvement of bachelors of tourism in the project activities with the participation of employers. Methods of research is the analysis, generalization of pedagogical experience and theoretical research on the problem of Patriotic education of the individual, the Results: the authors theoretically justified and disclosed by practical examples of the main information resources and content areas of educational work of the University on the formation of the Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Scope of results: theory and methodology theory and methodology of vocational education. Conclusions: the developed model of the formation of the Patriotic position of bachelors of tourism in the conditions of higher education contributes to the solution of the problem in the training of personnel for the tourism sector, having formed a Patriotic position, i.e. a life position, which is based on Patriotic values, supported by the motivation of Patriotic duty and responsibility and implemented in the forms of Patriotic behavior.
Key words: Patriotic attitude; patriotism; patriotic education; students; undergraduate studies; higher education institutions.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G. The Model of Formation of Patriotic Position of the Bachelors of Tourism / N. G. Kuprina, T. R. Lykova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №8. – P. 94-102. DOI 10.26170/po19-08-12.