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Anthropological Approach in Education of Vitality and Personality in Adolescents as a Factor of Resistance to Dependence
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-08-17
Abstract: The anthropological approach, as one of the possible pedagogical approaches, is usually used to consider the problems of education from the standpoint of ensuring the completeness of knowledge about the educated. However, in the sociocultural realities of today, the anthropological approach is designed not so much to provide a body of knowledge about the “man in himself”, but to reveal the “human dimension” of the educational process itself, directing it to the holistic personal development of students. We conducted a study of the educational opportunities of the anthropological approach in solving the urgent problem of preventing the negative dependencies of modern adolescents. The analysis shows that the implementation of the anthropological approach is revealed as the development of the subjectivity of the pupils, the focus on the transition from the predominantly social-role way of their life adaptation to individualization based on the enrichment of intellectual, creative, spiritual and moral forces, overcoming the alienation of one’s own essence. The article discusses the process of formation and the current state of pedagogical anthropology in Russia and abroad, describes the study of the possibilities of the anthropological approach to educate adolescents in the qualities of vitality and integrity of the personality, which are the factors of resistance to dependencies. The theoretical analysis of the educational potential of the anthropological approach is supported by the data obtained during the long-term implementation in the Sverdlovsk region of the social and pedagogical project “Be Healthy!”, which was attended by adolescents 13-16 years old. The study showed that pedagogical support and support in overcoming adolescents' internal and external obstacles, initiating intellectual and creative activity, broadening their horizons, developing skills of reflection, self-regulation, conscious behavioral strategies (copying strategies), are the conditions for the development of vitality and integrity of their personal development, those. those qualities that provide resistance to dependencies. In addition, the conditions for the successful implementation of such socio-pedagogical projects should include their multicomponentness, meaningfully implying a set of developmental activities in which adolescents are involved, as well as the need for interaction between teachers, parents and the collective of adolescents in a single child-adult event community (V. I. Slobodchikov).
Key words: Anthropological approach; the vitality of the person; negative addictions; adolescents; teenager personality.
For citation
Bachinin I. V. Anthropological Approach in Education of Vitality and Personality in Adolescents as a Factor of Resistance to Dependence / I. V. Bachinin, S. T. Pogorelov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №8. – P. 134-143. DOI 10.26170/po19-08-17.