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Psychological and Pedagogical Substantiation the Application of Elements of Neurolinguistic Programming in English Lessons
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-13
Abstract: The article discusses the features of the formation of foreign language lexical skills in English lessons in the 7th grade with the use of elements of neurolinguistic programming. The methodological basis of the study is a theoretical analysis of the methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on identifying the features of the use of neuro-linguistic programming techniques, analysis of teaching practice on the lexical side of speech of students in grade 7. The development of techniques and techniques used in English lessons is a necessary task to achieve educational results. But taking into account the basics of psycholinguistics and psychology in general, the neuro-linguistic programming techniques based on them, today this topic acquires a new meaning in the methodology of teaching foreign languages in general and the lexical side of a foreign language in particular. Scientists - psycholinguists and psychologists in the early 50s of the XX century identified a number of strategies for the most successful interaction between people. Subsequently, these strategies were used by educational methodologists for educational purposes. In order to effectively interact between the sides of the educational process, it is necessary to study the structural features of the brain of the child (student). This will solve many problems of the educational process, in particular the problem of motivation of students to learn foreign languages. The authors propose a definition of the concept of neuro-linguistic programming, highlight the principles of neuro-linguistic programming. Based on these principles, elements and methods of teaching a foreign language are identified, the influence of the implementation of neurolinguistic programming techniques on teaching foreign vocabulary is studied, and microstrategies of mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language are proposed. New educational standards require the use of more effective methods of preparing students for acquiring knowledge and mastering new skills in a foreign language. The use of elements and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in foreign language lessons allows you to overcome the difficulties encountered in the formation of lexical skills that are typical for students of adolescence.
Key words: Neurolinguistic programming; learning difficulties; lexical skills; age features; seventh graders; English; English lessons; English teaching methodology; English methodology at school.
For citation
Sergeeva, N. N. Psychological and Pedagogical Substantiation the Application of Elements of Neurolinguistic Programming in English Lessons / N. N. Sergeeva, N. V. Potapova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 99-106. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-13.