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Technology of Dual-Creative Training Highly Skilled Workers
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-14
Abstract: The article is devoted to the technology of the integrated dual-creative training of highly skilled workers electrical profile and presented organizational-pedagogical conditions, ranging from identifying and forming professionally oriented applicants for the joint venture with career-oriented activities, and to the adaptation period of professional and personal development of the graduate in terms of real work in the enterprise. The model of interaction between the educational organization and the profile enterprise, the sequence of formation of professional competence of the future worker and the main directions of joint creative and design activities are presented. In the course of a long-term experiment (19972016), the high efficiency of the technology of dual-creative training of skilled workers was confirmed.
Key words: Innovative development; industrial production; training workers; highly skilled workers; dual-creative training; mutually beneficial social partnership; educational motivation; creative design.
For citation
Ganeev, E. R. Technology of Dual-Creative Training Highly Skilled Workers / E. R. Ganeev, M. A. Galaguzova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 107-116. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-14.