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Reading Priorities of Primary School Children
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-15
Abstract: The article examines the actual problem of the choice of works for reading by primary school children. It substantiates the need for a detailed study of the reading repertoire at the stage of primary education in a crisis of reading culture in modern society. The results of a projective conversation with students of the first to fourth grades of secondary schools are discussed, followed by analysis, synthesis and factual generalization of the total array of data obtained on issues aimed at identifying children's reading priorities. The main objective of the study is to identify whether the deformation of the reading repertoire is characteristic of modern children of primary school age. The goal is achieved by answering a number of questions: what kind of literature is read by younger students, are they interested in the works that they get acquainted with on the program, do they read something other than the required minimum, what is the theme of the books they like, what characters they like, where they learned about this hero and what qualities of a character’s character they are impressed with, whether the literature that children choose for independent reading contributes to their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development. The study found that the reading repertoire of primary school children is fragmented, there are works on a variety of topics. Favorite genres of children are a fairy tale, a story about animals, adventure literature, science fiction and fantasy, a humorous story. The share of self-reading is less than software. The deformation of the circle of reading occurs in the fourth grade and manifests itself in a weakly expressed need for “serious” reading, a passion for entertaining reading, a distance from poetry, low reader independence, and an influence on the choice of books for reading the media and visual culture. Gender differences in children's preferences are noted in each age group.
Key words: Children's reading; reading preferences; reading circle; primary school children.
For citation
Tomilova, S. D. Reading Priorities of Primary School Children / S. D. Tomilova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 127-134. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-15.