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Development of Cognitive Abilities of Younger Schoolchildren in Training Mathematics
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-14
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the development of cognitive abilities of students in the development of mathematics in primary school. Mathematics is a subject in the study of which children often experience difficulties associated with their low level of development of cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities are considered in the article as individual psychological characteristics of the processes of attention, perception, memory, thinking that distinguish one person from another and are manifested in a successful knowledge of the world. To solve the problem of developing cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren, it is proposed to build the process of teaching mathematics based on a cognitive-visual approach, the main tools of which are visualized tasks and verbal-graphic systematizers. The main purpose of visualized tasks is to develop the ability to “think about the word” and “peer into the image”, to ensure the implementation of visual translation based on the establishment of links between text, drawing and formula. Various types of verbal-graphic systematizers (tables, matrices, supporting abstracts, concept cards, flowcharts, intelligence cards, diagrams, charts, etc.) suggest the use of spatial images to help comprehend the information presented. The purpose of the work is to show the possibilities of allocated funds for the development of cognitive abilities of elementary school students in math classes in elementary school. Working on this problem and realizing the intended goal, the following methods were used: study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, analysis of educational programs, generalization of pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, study of the products of children's activities and mathematical processing of empirical material. The article clarifies the meaningful connections between cognitive abilities and visualized tasks, substantiates the impact of visualized tasks on individual components of cognitive abilities, develops a set of visualized tasks, presents types of verbal-graphic systematizers that can be used to develop cognitive abilities of younger students in mathematics.
Key words: Cognitive abilities; cognitive-visual approach; visualized tasks; verbal-graphic systematizers; primary schoolchildren; math training.
For citation
Voronina, L. V. Development of Cognitive Abilities of Younger Schoolchildren in Training Mathematics / L. V. Voronina, T. V. Istomina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 119-126. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-14 .