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About Creative-Oriented Vocational Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-07
Abstract: The article proves that creatively oriented professional education (KPO) includes: 1) not only the productive work of teachers, but also their reproductive work in the form of self-education, self-education and the use of innovations created by other teachers; 2) basically the reproductive creativity of students in all types of their independent activity, if it is based on their scientific self-knowledge. A common type of productive creativity of all subjects of the educational process is their scientific self-knowledge. In the context of lifelong education, all these types of creativity should “work” throughout the course of a person’s labor activity. The complex of those abilities that constitute the personality’s creativity as a phenomenon and those factors and conditions that determine its development and implementation are defined. The basis of KOPO is also the concept of scientific self-knowledge developed by the author. Talking about the productive work of educators is possible only if they use their innovations in the form of problem-based learning only at the initial time. Then, due to repeated conducting classes with students on the same model, the activities of educators for them become stereotyped, and remain creative for new streams of students. But problematic learning is limited because only the teacher poses problems in it, that the initiative of students does not develop. Students' creativity development becomes full-fledged if they ask questions themselves and look for answers to them. The scientific self-knowledge of students, based on the application in it of the general concepts of educational disciplines in human knowledge as its methods, opens up great opportunities for this. Due to the fact that the scientific self-knowledge is a creative process, the types of students' independent activities carried out on its basis also acquire a creative character, acting as factors in the formation of their creativity. A new set of student creativity development tools is proposed.
Key words: Pedagogical creativity; creativity; productive creativity; reproductive creativity; problematic training; scientific self-knowledge.
For citation
Bayluk, V. V. About Creative-Oriented Vocational Education / V. V. Bayluk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 51-65 . DOI 10.26170/po20-02-07 .