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Personalised Learning Problem Overseas
- Hits: 361
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-05
Abstract: This article examines key questions relating to personalization. Personalized learning has become widely – spread in the UK and in Europe. The question facing today is what do we need to make personalized learning the basic feature of our education system? The route to higher standards of achievements in Great Britain was to focus on not they taught, but how they did it. The notions of personalization and individualization are defined. Considering the problem of individual educational route, personalization appears to raise standards by focusing teaching and learning on the interests of students and their individual progress. Decisive progress in educational standards occurs where every student matters, careful attention is paid to the individual learning styles, motivations and needs. The article describes personalization as learning and teaching – the role of the active learner, learning beyond the classroom-the role of communities and social institutes. The article describes five components of personalized learning to guide policy development. It needs assessment for learning and the use of data and dialogue to diagnose every student’s needs. It requires the development of the competence and confidence of each learner through teaching and learning strategies based on individual needs and the curricular choice which engages and respects students. It demands a radical approach to school organization based around student’s progress. Personalized learning means the interaction of schools with the community, local institutions to drive progress in the classroom.
Key words: Personalized learning; individualization; formal education; non-formal education; Lifelong learning.
For citation
Chernyaeva, N. V. Personalised Learning Problem Overseas / N. V. Chernyaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 36-40. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-05 .