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Political Portrait in the Structure of Media Great Patriotic War (Didactic Aspect)
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-04
Abstract: The article is devoted to two main problems. On the one hand, this is the response of the print media to the upcoming event – the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. On the other hand, these are opportunities for didactic interpretation of the political portrait genre in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language. From the point of view of the author, we can now talk about the media topic “The Great Patriotic War”, which has multiple genre differentiation. Biographical genres correlate with this media topic, and first of all, biographies of military leaders, top leaders of the country and ordinary war veterans. In addition, the structure of the media topic includes memoirs, the portrait essay genre and polemical genres: “Refutation”, “Point of View”, “Discussion”. In connection with attempts to revise the outcome of the war and falsify history, he received a rebirth and such a genre as “Reprimand” (rebuke, philippic). The genres of “Interview”, “Forecast”, “Note”, “Investigation”, “Film review” and a number of other text forms contributing to the replenishment of the genre corps are also actively used in the framework of the media topic “The Great Patriotic War”. The author of the article believes that the richest media material has ample opportunities for didactic interpretation, and above all, with the aim of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The need to include material on the Great Patriotic War in Russian-language textbooks on RCTs is due, inter alia, to the absence or insufficiency of information about the largest Russian politicians of the past and present, which leads to the formation of incomplete or distorted ideas about Russia. The aforesaid can be supplemented by means of training materials of a specialized type, which the teacher can use both fully and in parts. As an example, the article presents fragments of such a manual (excerpts from the biographies of A. N. Kosygin and A. Mikoyan, dedicated to their activities during the Great Patriotic War) and implementing two strategies – information and training. Based on the interpretation of the linguistic competence of Y. Apresyan, the author of the article presented a system of instructional tasks for these texts, which contributes to the formation of not only speaking, listening, writing and reading skills, but also a systematic fund of knowledge about Russian politicians of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Key words: Media; media peak; World War II; genre; political portrait; didactic interpretation.
For citation
Ruzhentseva, N. B. Political Portrait in the Structure of Media Great Patriotic War (Didactic Aspect) / N. B. Ruzhentseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 29-35. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-04.