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Design Activity as a Formation Condition Student’s Civil Identity
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-03-02
Abstract: The article considers the need to realize the potential of students’ project activities for the upbringing of civic identity. The relevance of the search for the answer to the problematic question is outlined: is the project activity in the classroom in which academic disciplines the most optimal and effective for the formation of civic identity of students through the integration of theoretical training, practical skills and knowledge of the work experience of teams on the basis of practice? The purpose of the study: the development of the content of the project activities of students in the essential professional and civilian aspects. Research methodology: ideas of citizenship from the philosophy of antiquity to the present day; strategies, concepts and models for the formation of civic identity of youth in modern interdisciplinary studies. The main results of the study: 1) the formulation of the concept of civic identity in relation to the project activities of university students of a pedagogical orientation; 2) substantiation of the potential of training in practice as one of the conditions for the upbringing of students’ civic identity; 3) a description of the means of preparing students for their participation in the grant competition for the development of civil society; 4) approbation of students’ project activities for the preparation of applications for grant competitions; 5) approbation of assignments-projects for the period of student practice; 6) determination of the effectiveness of project activities for the education of students’ civic identity in practice, using specially developed criteria as a ascertaining stage in the study of the indicated problem. The scientific novelty of the research hypothesis is to justify the resources of project activities in the classroom for all types of practice for the formation of students’ civic consciousness. Theoretical and practical significance lies in the disclosure of the potential of the tasks and competencies of project activities declared in the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation and strengthening of civic consciousness of students. Brief conclusions. One of the optimal conditions for the formation of civic identity of students is training in all types of practice, during which students, on the basis of competencies acquired during the development of a theoretical course, as well as observations and study of production experience of specialists on the basis of practice, students put forward and substantiate the idea of an application for participation in the competition of initiatives for the development of open civil society.
Key words: Civil identity; spiritual and moral values; competition; design activities of students; pedagogical education.
For citation
Glazyrina, E. Yu., Dongauzer, E. V., Nezhinskaya, T. A. (2020). Design Activity as a Formation Condition Student’s Civil Identity // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №3. – P. 16-25. DOI 10.26170/po20-03-02.