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Implementation of a Poliartictic Approach in the Content of Variable Disciplines of the Master’s Program “Art Education”
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-03-21
Abstract: Introduction. The article highlights the issues of implementing of poliartistic approach in professional art and pedagogical education. One of the ways of its implementation is in the content of variable disciplines of the master’s program “Art education” are presented. Aim of the article: to present the content of variable disciplines in the master’s program “Аrt education” based on a рolyartistic approach to the training of teachers in the subject area “Art”. Methodology and research mеthods: the main provisions of the polyartistic, integrated approaches of art pedagogy. Меthods of research: study and analysis of literature; questionnaire; generalization. Results: the features of рolyartistic and integrated approaches to art pedagogy are described, their similarities and differences are indicated. Two groups of рolyartistic technologies are considered as tools for implementing these approaches: 1) technologies based on algorithms of educational and research activities; 2) technologies as individual (author’s) methods that implement the ideas of art synthesis. The content of variable disciplines of the master’s program “Аrt education” based on a рolyartistic approach is presented. Scientific novelty: the ways of implementing of рolyartistic approach in the content of variable disciplines of the master’s program “Аrt education” substantiated and tested in practice. Practical significance: theoretical aspect of the content of variable disciplines in the master’s program “Аrt education” (рolyartistic approach, principles of its implementation); methodical aspect (рolyartistic technologies, author’s methods and teaching methods: method of artistic context; methods of “soft languages”; cognitive, organizational, creative methods).
Key words: Polyartistic approach; рolyartistic technologies; art education; master program.
For citation
Tikhonova, E. V. (2020). Implementation of a Poliartictic Approach in the Content of Variable Disciplines of the Master’s Program “Art Education” // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №3. – P. 172-177. DOI 10.26170/po20-03-21.