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Comparative Analysis of the Motivation of Students’ Professional Choice in Different Areas of Training
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-03-08
Abstract: The article presents the results of a study of the features of professional choice of young people by analyzing the professional motivation of College students in different areas of training. The research is based on the approach proposed by the Romanian sociologist K. Zamfir to determine the structure of professional motivation, which consists of three types: internal motivation, external positive motivation and external negative motivation. The different ratio of external and internal professional motives determines the motivational complex of the individual, which is effective if the internal motivation is greater than or equal to the external positive motivation, which in turn should be greater than the external negative motivation. The reverse combination, when external negative motivation prevails over external positive and internal motivation is the worst. As a result of comparative mathematical and statistical analysis, significant motivational differences were identified between groups of students of the College of law and design, who have different motivational complex of personality. Design students, in contrast to law students, showed an effective combination of internal and external motivation to work. Lawyers have identified one of the most ineffective motivational complexes of the individual with a predominance of external positive motivation. The professional motivation of lawyers differed significantly from that of designers for reasons such as the prestige of the profession in society, the desire to lead other people, choosing a profession on the advice of parents or friends, and the desire to get a diploma. Internal motivation is aimed at developing professional skills and personal development in General, while external motivation does not stimulate professional development, focuses only on personal goals, and contributes to the appearance of such qualities as irresponsibility, passivity and limitations. As the conclusions of the study, the need for pedagogical support for law students is formulated. To test the professional motivation of students, the method of K. Zamfir in the modification of A. A. Rean was used. To determine the significance of differences in the professional motivation of groups of students, the student's t-test for independent variables was used.
Key words: Professional choice; professional self-determination; external and internal motivation; motivational complex of the individual.
For citation
Gubina, L. V. (2020). Comparative Analysis of the Motivation of Students’ Professional Choice in Different Areas of Training // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №3. – P. 73-80. DOI 10.26170/po20-03-08.