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Didactic Aspects of Verb Patterns in Russian and French Languages
- Hits: 329
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-21
Abstract: The article is a review of the textbook by I. D. Beleeva “French language. Avec ou sans préposition?”, which is a guide and series of exercises for managing the most common French verbs. The author compares the ways of expressing various categories using prepositions in French, prepositions and case endings of nouns in Russian. The general features of the meaning and use of verbs in two languages are analyzed: pronominal forms, verbal polysemy and synonymy, active and passive voice. Some particular features of verbs are considered: aspectuality and mode of action, peculiarities of verb word formation – in Russian, as well as the use of auxiliary, transitive and intransitive verbs, rules for the coordination of participles – in French. The author also analyzes the problems of the lexical compatibility of verbs and nouns and the translation of verb phrases. The proposed exercises are aimed at developing the skill of using verbs, prepositions and articles in French. Particular attention is paid to preventing a number of typical mistakes of Russian-speaking students in French, including those associated with changing the meaning of a phrase and a sentence, depending on the use of various prepositions. The author draws attention to significant lexical and grammatical transformations when translating word combinations, warns against using literal translation and literalisms. It is proposed to supplement the body of exercises with translation tasks to consolidate the formed skills. The peer-reviewed textbook can be successfully applied in the study of French as a first and second foreign language, as well as by foreign students in the study of Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: Control of verbs; Verbs; method of teaching French; methodology of the French language at the university; French; prepositions; phrases; morphology of the French language; Russian language; comparative linguistics; morphology of the Russian language.
For citation
Sokolova, O. L., Skopova, L. V. (2020). Didactic Aspects of Verb Patterns in Russian and French Languages // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 177-182. DOI 10.26170/po20-05-21.