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Development of Aesthetic Taste in Teenagers in the Classes on the History of Costume at the Institution of the Additional Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-20
Abstract: The relevance of the problem considered in the article is associated with the focus of modern educational policy on familiarizing students with the spiritual life of society, developing their aesthetic taste on the basis of cultural standards that are valuable and significant for society. Lessons on the history of costume, taking into account the interests of older adolescents and contributing to the formation of moral and aesthetic standards in them as the basis for the manifestation of their taste preferences in creative products, have great opportunities in solving this problem in conditions of additional education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the pedagogical potential of referring to the history of costume in the development of aesthetic taste in adolescents, to consider the principles of organizing this process and effective methods that contribute to its implementation in conditions of additional education. The methodological basis of the article is theoretical provisions on the social nature of aesthetic taste, closely related to the value orientations of human activity (M. S. Kagan, B. T. Likhachev, A. F. Losev); ideas of a socio-cultural approach in the interpretation of fashion for clothes (I. V. Antonenko, T. S. Bastrykina, A. Belik, V. M. Lipskaya, B. D. Parygin, G. G. Shubin). The article used research methods such as literature analysis, analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation. Scientific novelty consists in defining the principles of organizing work on the development of aesthetic taste in adolescents in the process of studying the history of costume (historicism, spiral alignment of the material, individual and personal development) and the corresponding methods aimed at updating personal experience and developing the ability to analyze fashion phenomena in clothing as expressions of the way of life and moral and aesthetic values of the time. The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the authors have proposed methodological solutions to the problem of developing aesthetic taste in modern adolescents in conditions of additional education, associated with the use of methods of pedagogy of art education. This is a method of stylistic modeling, a method of “running ahead” and “returning” to what has been passed at a new level (contributing to the formation in the minds of students of a holistic picture of artistic culture, ideas about the relationship of standards of beauty with the moral values of the era); the method of art projects, the method of creating situations of assimilating the hero of the work (aimed at updating the personal experience of students), a variety of interactive methods that allow students to express their subjective positions and defend their own taste preferences.
Key words: Development of aesthetic taste; aesthetic taste; aesthetic education; adolescents; history of costumes; costumes; additional education; art education.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G., Krapivina, I. A. (2020). Development of Aesthetic Taste in Teenagers in the Classes on the History of Costume at the Institution of the Additional Education // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 170-176. DOI 10.26170/po20-05-20.