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Foresight on the Development of Schools in Ekaterinburg: Formulation of Problems and Search for Solutions
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-02
Abstract: The article analyzes the possibilities of using foresight to understand the prospects for the development of schools in the Ekaterinburg, as well as the formulation of emerging problems and the initiation of personal responsibility for it solution. As an object of research, 30 schools of the Ekaterinburg acted, with representatives of which (principals and head teachers), a foresight was held in December 2018. The results of teamwork are formulated, the prospects for the implementation of projects initiated by the participants of the event are analyzed. The result of the analysis showed that foresight cannot be a method of scientific research if it is applied to an unprepared audience that is not immersed in the context of present and future changes, due to the too diverse audience in terms of competence, as well as the probabilistic nature of the generation of ideas during the determination trends and events. The focus of the groups is either random or determined by leading foresight or individual opinion leaders among the participants. However, the key advantage of the foresight was the high level of motivation of participants to change, which indicates its possible use to minimize the level of resistance when introducing innovations in the educational environment.
Key words: General educational institutions; school leadership; foresight; teamwork; regional education.
For citation
Dolzhenko, R. A., Saltzev, A. А. (2020). Foresight on the Development of Schools in Ekaterinburg: Formulation of Problems and Search for Solutions // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 22-29. DOI 10.26170/po20-05-02.