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The Purpose of Teaching Computer Science in the Context of Updating the Technical Culture of Society
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-07
Abstract: The article discusses the evolution of the development of the goals of teaching computer science in secondary schools and the corresponding training of students in the direction of “Pedagogical education”. The content of the concepts of algorithmic literacy, computer literacy, computer competence, information culture, technical culture is analyzed. A model of meaningful nesting of these concepts is presented. The necessity of forming the technical culture of students is substantiated, the level of which is determined by: 1) the system of objects of computer technology, with which a person interacts by virtue of his professional duties and personal interests; 2) the level of technical knowledge in terms of their completeness, consistency and generalization, functionality; 3) the accumulated experience of technical activity, taking into account its species diversity and complexity, determined by the characteristics of that component of the technosphere with which a person interacts; 4) the level of development of interactions “man (society) – technology – nature”; 5) the mentality of the individual (interests, mentality, volitional aspirations) – the prevailing models of technical behavior and activity that determine the current state and development prospects of the above components of its technical culture. The article describes the data of a constitutive experiment within the frame-work of which the existing experience of teaching the issues of polytechnic training in the framework of various academic disciplines of secondary school was studied.
Key words: Teaching methods of informatics; methodology of computer science at school; informatics; algorithmic literacy; computer literacy; computer competence; information culture; technical culture; principles of polytechnism; technosphere.
For citation
Il’in, I. V., Il’in, V. V. (2020). The Purpose of Teaching Computer Science in the Context of Updating the Technical Culture of Society // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 71-78. DOI 10.26170/po20-05-07.