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The Concept “Love for Children” in the Philosophical and Pedagogical Discourse
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-05
Abstract: The concept of “love for children” occupies one of the leading positions in the system of pedagogical values, since it is the basis of a pedagogical vocation. The teacher’s acceptance of love for children is the most important condition for the humanization of education, which meets the needs of modern society and pedagogical practice. However, in the conditions of standardization, technologization and digitalization of education in the pedagogical environment, contradictory positions of specialists of various profiles are increasingly expressed about the importance of love for children in pedagogical activity, the essential characteristics of this concept. There is a problem of denying the importance of “love for children” as a pedagogical value and, as a consequence, the threat of loss by students of a pedagogical university of the most important target landmark, which allows them to realize their own ability and need for further implementation of pedagogical activity. Being in essence a philosophical and pedagogical category, the concept of “love for children” can only be considered on the basis of a comparison of leading philosophical and pedagogical views and ideas. In this regard, there is a need to substantiate the essence of the concept of “love for children” as a pedagogical value on the basis of identifying common approaches in philosophical and pedagogical research. The analysis of classical works on philosophy and pedagogy, as well as modern dissertation research made it possible to establish that the concept of “love for children” can be considered as a moral and aesthetic feeling, the main moral requirement of pedagogical ethics, a professionally important quality of a teacher and is a pedagogical value. This concept integrates philosophical ideas about love as a universal human value, as well as pedagogical theories and concepts stating that the love of close adults is the most important condition and stimulus for the self-development of the child’s personality in the process of his upbringing and education. The main forms of the teacher’s manifestation of love for children are kindness, care, responsibility, respect, readiness for self-giving, the need to get to know the child, to be and stay close, to promote the development of his personality. The teacher’s denial of the value of love for children changes his pedagogical position from humanistic to authoritarian, which contradicts modern requirements for education. The results of the questionnaire survey among students of the Ural State Pedagogical University indicate that the conditions created at the university contribute to the acceptance by students of love for children as a teaching value.
Key words: Love for children; pedagogical values; pedagogical vocation; humanization of education; teachers; pedagogical activity; students; preparation of future teachers; pedagogical universities; conceptual apparatus; philosophical and pedagogical discourse.
For citation
Verkhoturova, Yu. A., Dongauser, E. V., Yasinskikh, L. V. (2020). The Concept “Love for Children” in the Philosophical and Pedagogical Discourse // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 45-52. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-05.