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Formation of Ecological Outlook of Bachelor Students of Ecology
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Abstract: In our time, education is becoming an important solution to social and economic progress. Modern market conditions, employers place higher demands on graduates of universities. In response to the ongoing economic changes, the higher school requires young people to quickly acquire knowledge and then the ability to apply them in the future professional activity, while at the same time, the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the student's personality is not really paid attention to. From this point of view, environmental education becomes relevant. Of particular importance for the implementation of environmental education is higher school system, which enabled the formation of ecological outlook of young people. Modern educational process requires not only the assimilation of scientific knowledge, but also education of moral, ethical, responsible person in relation to nature, to the biosphere, and to any form of life as the most important human value. The content of the environmental sciences have a special potential for the implementation of the idea of universal recognition of the intrinsic value of every form of life and understanding of the unity of man and nature as interconnected elements of the biosphere. Due to the new environmental requirements of the educational process, the authors propose to implement pedagogical approaches: ecological and axiological, hermeneutic and information technologies. Based on research in the field of these approaches and analyzing the vast factual material from the bioethical point of view, the authors were able to make a significant contribution to the formation of the eco-philosophical outlook of the higher school youth. In this aspect, the article sums up the analysis of the adapted academic disciplines, the field practice for the students of the department "Ecology and Nature Management" in the territory of the State Unitary Enterprise "Natural Park" Bazhov Places ", as well as the results of the pedagogical experiment conducted at the Department of Geoecology of the Ural State Mining University.
Key words: Higher school; ecological education; ecology; ecological outlook; ecology-axiological approach; hermeneutic approach; information-technological approach; mining engineer; training of professionals.
For citation
Bad'ina, T. A. Formation of Ecological Outlook of Bachelor Students of Ecology / T. A. Bad'ina, V. D. Shirshov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 160-165.