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Didactic Game in the Moral and Patriotic Education of Children
- Hits: 319
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the process of moral and patriotic upbringing of children in games on the basis of fine art. The ideological basis of this approach is the idea of transferring basic national and cultural traditions and moral values to a person, family, society and the state, as they are very valuable. Artistic images of fine art reveal "human in a man", and also, all the most valuable created by a man for men. An important element of the didactic game is a moral conversation, in the process of which children have a motivation for reasoning, expressing one's own opinion, and showing an emotional response. The organization of game activity is based on didactic principles, such as culture, education, culture-centricity, axiology, which allows you to build a system of basic national values-based on the content of works of art. The article contains examples of works of fine art, fragments of which are used in the content of didactic games, allowing to build the process of moral and patriotic education on the basis of mastering and emotional-figurative experience of moral values-inherent in the child's sociocultural and ethno-cultural environment.
Key words: Moral and patriotic education; fine arts; basic national and cultural traditions; moral values, moral conversation; didactic games; games.
For citation
Borodina, E. N. Didactic Game in the Moral and Patriotic Education of Children / E. N. Borodina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 154-159.