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Metasubject Approach in Teaching Sakha Language: Development of Linguistic Concepts in Pupils in Bilingual Education
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Abstract: Today the educational environment of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is rapidly developing; based on the recent research works new teaching approaches are worked out and new textbooks, manuals and reference guides are published. It is known that the native language plays a great role, as it is a basis for formation and development of thinking, mental and creative abilities, socialization of a person and familiarizing with the culture. Therefore the article focuses on metasubject approach in teaching Sakha language and development of linguistic concepts in pupils of 5-7 grades in bilingual education (on the example of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic). In the conditions of rapid development of education it is especially urgent to implement metasubject approach in teaching the native language and to increase the language culture in all subject domains. High-quality introduction of a certain number of linguistic concepts when teaching the native language can help to learn any subject domain and to increase in level of proficiency in the language. We consider that for harmonious development of pupils and achievement of metasubject results it is important to implement metasubject approach in teaching a language as a system, which should become the basis for other academic subject as well. The article describes the results of the experimental work which was carried out in the general educational organizations with the native (Yakut) language. Methods and techniques of formation and development of linguistic concepts by pupils on the example of teaching in Sakha language are discussed. For more successful development and formation of language competences the reference materials developed by the Institute of National Schools of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic are offered.
Key words: Bilingual education; bilingualism; linguistic abilities; linguistic dictionaries; linguistic concepts; metasubject approach; native language; Russian language, Sakha language; pupils.
For citation
Savvinova, A. D. Metasubject Approach in Teaching Sakha Language: Development of Linguistic Concepts in Pupils in Bilingual Education / A. D. Savvinova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 139-145.