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Pedagogical Opportunities of the Principle of Theatricalization in Formation Moral Values of Junior Schoolchildren
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Abstract: The article provides a theoretical overview of modern possibilities of the pedagogical principle of theatricalization for the formation of moral values of junior schoolchildren. Instead of the outdated term “theatre pedagogy” we suggest using the term “theatricalization”, which is understood as universal and systematic (i.e. including specific goals and tasks, components, methods and means, forms and pedagogical conditions) introduction of emotional components in education, as well as methods of theatrical performance and role play which are used in stage adaptation. The articalization is: a kind of characteristic feature of education content, interactive method and the method of a game; the means of activation of educational work; a technique (a part of a method); a form of “socio-cultiral identification of society” and “interaction with visitors”; pedagogical technique; interpersonal communication of educational process participants; certain direction of pedagogical research and the motive of activity. Thus theatricalization in general covers or touches upon all the structural elements of educational process. The author believe that this fact proves that theatricalization is a pedagogical principle. The article gives practical recommendations for teachers on how to introduce the principle of theatricalization into the educational process on the lessons «Fundamentals of Secular Ethics», taking into account the real capabilities of Russian schools.
Key words: Children's collective; junior schoolchildren; primary school; educational process; moral values; personality development; principle of theatricalization.
For citation
Dneprov, S. A. Pedagogical Opportunities of the Principle of Theatricalization in Formation Moral Values of Junior Schoolchildren / S. A. Dneprov, A. Y. Demina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 146-153.