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The Role of Women’s Leadership in the Development of the Institute of Psychology of the USPU
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the description of the role of women’s leadership in the birth and development of one of the “youngest” divisions of the Ural State Pedagogical University – Institute of Psychology. The author notes that irrespective of the fact that the first Faculty Dean (later on – Institute Director) was a man, the history of the creation of the Institute of Psychology is to a large extent associated with the activity of women-leaders. The article outlines the contribution of Doctor of Psychology, Professor Svetlana Aligar'evna Minyurova who headed the Institute from 2002 to 2014. When she was Director, the number of the education fields realized by the Institute increased from one to five, the number of the students grew twentyfold, and the competition for state-sponsored enrollment became one of the highest at the University. S. A. Minyurova organized a number of unique events which later became “signature” projects of the Institute. The author states that being a talented leader and constantly improving her own leadership properties, S. A. Minyurova has managed to build up a unique creative atmosphere at the Institute stimulating each student and faculty member to become initiators and organizers of educational, scientific and socio-cultural projects. This statement is illustrated by examples of such projects as the project of Associate Professor of Department of General Psychology of the Institute Nataliya Olegovna Leonenko (“Intercultural Dialogue in Russian”), and the project of Associate Professor of Department of Social Psychology, Conflictology and Management Svetlana Gennad'evna Krylova (“Global Ledership”). The activity of Doctor of Psychology, Professor Nataliya Nikolaevna Vasyagina who has headed the Department of Psychology of Education for 15 years is a priceless developmental resource of the Institute of Psychology. Due to her leadership properties, the department effectively realizes numerous educational and scientific innovations and ranks high in scientific-research activity among the University departments. In January 2014, the Head of Department of Social Psychology, Conflictology and Management, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Maksimova became Director of the Institute. New professional educational programs of bachelor’s and master’s degree courses have been worked out and innovative interdisciplinary projects have been successfully realized under her management. By way of summing up, the author makes a conclusion that the Institute of psychology is a salient example of women’s leadership in higher education.
Key words: Women; leadership; international educational projects; psycho-pedagogical training; teaching psychologists; Psychology students.
For citation
Maksimova, l. A. The Role of Women’s Leadership in the Development of the Institute of Psychology of the USPU / I. A. Maksimova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 50-53.