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Modern School in the Mirror of a Conceptual Metaphor
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Abstract: The article considers one of the most important concepts in the modern Russian linguistic worldimage – the ʻschoolʼ concept. The interest to this concept is caused by the changes that occur in the sphere of Russian education today. The object of this study is the metaphorical model, representing the "school" concept in the discourse of contemporary Russian media and the comments of Internet users. Metaphors are classified by sources domains (ʻHomeʼ, ʻWarʼ, ʻProductionʼ, ʻDiseaseʼ). The metaphor of house, as well as military, industrial and morbial metaphors are the best way to present the results of modernization in the educational system, criticism of the current situation and reforming rationale. According to the results of the conducted research it can be concluded that there is a very complicated attitude to the educational system in the society today. The recent changes in Russian education were so significant, that they are being perceived as a crisis and considered extremely painful.
Key words: Conceptual metaphor; metaphorical modeling; metaphoric model; media; mass media; Russian language; linguistiс worldview; concepts; Russian educaion.
For citation
Chudakova, N. M. Modern School in the Mirror of a Conceptual Metaphor / N. M. Chudakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 125-131.