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Emotional-Volitional Regulation in the Context of Social Interaction Security
- Hits: 323
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
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Abstract: The article analyzes the monograph «Emotional-volitional regulation in the context of security of social interaction». It estimates the theoretical substantiation of the main provisions of the conception of emotional-volitional regulation by M. Chumakov — the definition of the phenomenon of emotional-volitional regulation and its distinctive features, and the role of emotions in the process of volitional regulation. A study is made of the influence of emotionally-volitional regulation in parents on emotional-volitional regulation in children, which is mediated by the system of family social interaction. The article considers the extensive empirical material obtained on a large sample of students of various faculties, courses and universities. The analysis of the monograph content allowed the author to take a fresh look at the security of social interaction, taking into account the importance of various manifestations of the emotional-volitional sphere of a person along with such factors as satisfaction with studies and relationships, the frequency of suicidal thoughts and intentions, etc. Considering the chapters devoted to the psychophysiology of post-traumatic stress, one should note deep analysis of empirical data on emotional-volitional processes and personal characteristics of patients in the hospital surgical department and post-traumatic stress of the elderly. The article notes that the analysis of the problems touched upon in the monograph has been considered at various levels of analysis — general psychological, socio-psychological and psychophysiological levels. In addition, certain ways of improving the security of the individual and social interaction in a new context have been outlined.
Key words: Emotions; will; stress; cooperation security; emotional state; emotional-volitional regulation.
For citation
Soldatova, E. L. Emotional-Volitional Regulation in the Context of Social Interaction Security / E. L. Soldatova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 114-116 .