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Design of Student Assessment System for the Basic Academic Subject «Physical Training» in Higher Pedagogical Education
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Abstract: The modern higher education process demands fast and high quality acquisition of scientific knowledge, education of a moral, ethical and responsible personality capable to realize the knowledge obtained in the future professional activity. In this regard, the question of evaluation and assessment of the quality of knowledge acquisition by the students becomes quite urgent. The article reveals the content of the methods of assessment of the students’ effectiveness of knowledge acquisition on the example of the academic discipline «Sport Training Basics» in the profile «Physical Training» of the education area 44.03.01 «Pedagogical Education». The main aim of the given article consists in highlighting a number of provisions about the formation of assessment means package in an academic subject in the system of higher education, the most important aspect of which is the teacher’s ability to design practical material allowing assessment of the level of acquisition of the content of the discipline by the students, and the correspondence to the requirements to the professional training of a bachelor. The author of the article has analyzed the documentation regulating the procedure of assessment means package design, and has determined the methods necessary for efficient construction of the discipline content. The article contains examples of practical application of practical design and use of the methods of assessment of knowledge acquisition in the academic subject revealing and reflecting the specificity of the given discipline in the academic process of the Sakhalin State University. Describing the content of the discipline studied by the future bachelors in the sphere of physical culture and sport, the author comes to the conclusion that the educational process using a student assessment system package facilitates deeper immersion of the students in the theoretical and practical material of the discipline.
Key words: Higher education quality; certification; academic subject; sports training; assessment tools; learning outcomes; test of knowledge.
For citation
Pronkina, S. A. Design of Student Assessment System for the Basic Academic Subject «Physical Training» in Higher Pedagogical Education / S. A. Pronkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 107-113 .