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Teaching a Foreign Language Via E-learning Platform MyGrammarLab
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Abstract: Electronic learning platforms are widely used in the modern educational process and specifically in foreign language teaching. Practical application of the electronic learning platform MyGrammarLab proves that even ready-made authentic foreign language courses allow creating individual trajectories of teaching a foreign language. MyGrammarLab is intended for improving grammar skills of students who learn a foreign language. MyGrammarLab has courses of different levels that include diagnostic, audio and video, training and control materials. Various settings of this platform provide flexible management of any course despite the inability to change the content. Diagnostics within the course embrace the number of attendances and attempts to complete a task, the amount of time spent for a task, and the number of completed assignments, and enable the teacher to coordinate each student’s work to increase educational productivity. The authors of the article analyze the ration of the time used and the level of the student’s proficiency, the number of attempts to complete the task and the final score. The statistic procedures form the methodological basis of work with MyGrammarLab and additional materials that can be uploaded into the on-line resources in order to improve the quality of learning of less able students. The practical application of the method shows increase in the students’ motivation to perform both in-built and additionally uploaded assignments by the teachers. The teachers monitor the results by means of messages. The authors present the statistics of the results obtained before and after applying this method. These results show qualitative improvement in learning a foreign language.
Key words: Foreign languages; e-learning platform; information and communication technologies; informatization of education; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages at university; individual learning trajectory.
For citation
Kovaleva, A. G. Teaching a Foreign Language Via E-learning Platform MyGrammarLab / A. G. Kovaleva, O. V. Anchugova, D. P. Zarifullina, D. I. Kurmanova, M. V. Tkacheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 90-95.