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Formation of Research Competence of Students of Biological and Chemical Education
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Abstract: The article examines biological and chemical education in the Ural State Pedagogical University at the geography and biology faculty in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the general-cultural, general-professional and professional competences specified in it, which are necessary for every specialist in the field of their occupation. Training of pedagogical staff within the competence-based approach in a two-tier system of higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees in the area of «Pedagogical Education») prepares students for pedagogical, project, research, and cultural-educational work. Formation of the professional significance of future teachers of biology and chemistry includes significant and multifaceted integration of the foundations of biological and chemical knowledge, creation of various intersubject connections, combination of theoretical and practical material, and study of general scientific methods and their active use in specific situations. Of great importance in this regard is research, which promotes the development of appropriate skills and the development of independence, initiative, commitment, perseverance, and ability to self-organization and self-control. The ability to research and readiness to implement it is the basic, key competence of students, since it has signs of generalization, interdisciplinarity, integration, and cross-subjectivity. Working with students interested in biology and chemistry is most successful in its organization by university teachers and, thus, can be an initial step in the preparation of future teachers of biology and chemistry. We believe that the peculiarity of organization of research work with senior secondary school students consists in active involvement in the process of bachelors, masters and graduate students.
Key words: Pedagogical education; Bachelor's programme; teacher’s training; students; future teachers; professional competence; research competence.
For citation
Filinkova, T. N. Formation of Research Competence of Students of Biological and Chemical Education / T. N. Filinkova, N. A. Suleymanova, A. N. Danilov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 96-101.